Model Restoration Projects


I found Steve’s website when I was looking for someone who could restore several ships/boats that my late uncle had built. They had been neglected and damaged over the years and really needed some TC.

Steve has been very helpful and has restored all the boats to their former glory, using his own initiative and experience where necessary. I am really delighted with their new look and am so grateful to Steve for his interest and care.

Jane Savery
Wells, Somerset

In late September 2013 I decided that I would like Steve Park to build for me the yet another ship. I had already commissioned Steve Park to build the Agamemnon and Victory, but my interests had moved since then to modern, or at least relatively modern warships. The ship I had in mind was a ‘batch 2’ Type 42 Destroyer. I particularly wanted a version of the class that had been modified ‘post Falklands’ to reflect the hard lessons learnt. HMS Southampton in its 1983 post refit configuration was chosen, but this did represent a particular challenge for Steve, as while plans for the Sheffield did exist, it was not possible to locate post refit (1983) configuration plans. Thus Steve had to build virtually from scratch, using photographs, and other reference material an accurate 1:196 scale model in all its glory. This would have additional light antiaircraft guns, with special platforms, and the new style 1022 radar, and extra chaff launchers associated with the batch 2 ships of the class. The end results were stunning, as those who access Steve’s blog will see. From the perfectly crafted Sea Dart launcher to the very difficult construction of the type 1022 radar the work was perfect. I strongly recommend those who have not seen them to see pictures on the blog.

Well done Steve for another fantastic build.

“Steve has taken the Dusek kit and used the latest archaeological interpretations to produce an outstandingly executed model which has the authentic air of the original. You can almost smell the pitch. A beautiful job.”

Thanks again

Steve Park was commissioned to build HMS Diana for me by my brother, as a reminder that he had named me! The building of the ship involved the most extraordinarily detailed work; hand-carving; tying 2,500 knots by hand; intricate brick patterned copper plates individually attached; rigging of immense complexity and of course the construction of the hull down to giving the figurehead a natty off the shoulder blue toga all hand painted. The workmanship is indeed incredible; canons ready to fire; and wooden planking all perfect. The ship sits in the window of our Georgian house in Hastings, East Sussex itself a town with a long seafaring history. HMS Diana feels very much at home here and is a wonderful piece of workmanship.

Thank you.

Lady Diana Eardley-Wilmot

Steve Park has made a number of model ships for me – and restored a few. There are a variety of types here – Napoleonic ships of the line (Victory, Agamemnon, Diana) , 1st and 2nd War battleships (Hannibal, Bismarck, Hood), and along the way some merchant vessels and latterly the ill-fated liner Titanic. Each model has its own method of construction and with it complications – the plank on hull constructions and the intricacies of the superstructure on Bismarck (fabulously detailed) or the rigging on the tall ships.

With one or two exceptions all of the models made by Steve for me have been commissions – some as long as ten years ago. This long acquaintance with Steve has been a pleasure where many a detail of a ship or its history has been the subject of discussions. The models are expertly built and beautifully crafted and I look forward to the arrival of further boats yet.

Robert Rodger

Towards the end of last year we sourced Steve Park on the internet as a model ship restorer. I contacted him and arranged to take my very sad looking four masted schooner to him for his opinion. This ship has been in my family for over 100 years and may have been made by a great great uncle who was a skipper of such vessels. Steve’s opinion was that it could be restored to a good standard. I left the ship with him with no time constraints – it had been un-seaworthy for years so what was a few more months in dry dock!!

When Steve told me it was ready a few weeks ago I also commissioned a glass case to protect it . Yesterday I collected the ship and all I can say is “Wow”!! The restoration is far beyond my expectations, the detail in the re-rigging is amazing, the matching of the paint for the hull and surround is perfect, a new anchor meticulously crafted, the repair of the masts etc invisible. A truly superb restoration and exceptional value for money. Thank you Steve for restoring this ship which will sit back on the sideboard in its glass case in my house by the sea for generations of my family to enjoy and admire…… we are but custodians for future generations.

Douglas Butler

“Once again, Steve has produced an exquisite model. The wealth of detail in rigging and on the hull, beautifully executed, draws and holds the eye. Outstanding. Many thanks.”

Stephen Middleton

Granado is my third ship from Steve Park and again I am delighted with the result. Steve has added a number of features I requested, joggled deck planks, butt and shift deck and hull planking, caulking and trennelling. The precision and craftsmanship of his work is outstanding and the ship now takes pride of place inside its beautiful display case (also by Steve) on top of an oak chest of roughly the same date as the original ship.
A superb job.

Many thanks

Steve Middleton